Couple of days ago I saw the recent Blue and Grey magazine about Gettysburg. While a long time subscriber now I only buy the occasional issue. This past Thursday was one of those rare occasions.
Now my eyes normally glaze over when I see another magazine with Gettysburg on the cover. Going back to the early 1980s I have seen to many articles on this battle. I am certain that more has been written about this engagement than any other three-day period of time. What else could be written?
Yet I picked this issue up because it covers something that as a wargamer I have often wondered about, American Civil War towns fight. These types of engagements are rare and very different than most of the battles played in miniature.

So what am I to do, well I have the figures that I can paint up and use a set of rules I have been meaning to use for a long time, “Terrible Sharp Sword” by the TOOFATLardies. I may even have enough building to pull off the Brick Yard or the Eagle Hotel. Should be fun.
Anyone out there ever run a town fight?
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