Before to much more time passes I do want to report on the game played at the club in March. This was a game based on the Skirmish Campaign book for the Winter War that was moved over to Chain of Command. In this I was the over all Soviet Commander (never a good thing) with a partner launching an assault on a fortified reactionary Finish village and amazing of all the plan almost worked.
With the burning buildings acting as an obstruction I held the middle and our open right flank, while my comrade was to support the middle assault and swing through the woods on my left.
With our Maxim holding the Fins in their trenches on the right and center my first squad headed forward around the buildings towards the capitalist held trenches.
Then the plan started to come apart.
The squad leader on my left was lacking in revolutionary spirit and told me he did not want to leave the woods as, and I quote, "I might get shot". If I had a commissar available he would have been. So with time running away I bounded for the trenches and with quick work and several fallen for the Motherland we took the trenches. As we needed to move on quickly and my coward of comrade still refusing to leave the woods I rolled the dice and came up short by about three inches from leaving the table and winning. I was than halted by the remains of the Fins in a counter attack and them winning two back to back initiatives. In that moment I lost the rest of my troops.
Oh so close to a win... |
It was a fun game and well balanced but I can only hope the commander on my left met one of those fine members from the NKVD.