Saturday, March 1, 2014

Painting Table Cinco

Here is a view of my table. Right now I have German infantry and tanks on hold due to the lack of two colors. That will be corrected next week at Cold Wars. I have three British cruisers getting ready to complete and a dozen or so Poles for support for the 10th Brigade and the ever-present F.2B. So far since January 1st I have painted everyday but one.

As for my blogs, I am pleased with the interaction with the readers although I want to keep on my writing. I have 18 unique posts for February and add to the 20 from January 2014 the blogs are going strong. I also have five blogs/articles in different states of compilation most of which are hardcore history that I hope you enjoy.

Let me know what you think or what interests you.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for participating today! I added your link to my blog post.

    Have a great Paint Table Saturday!

    Greetings, Sofie
