The more famous fight is the HMS Conqueror against TF 79.3. In this action the Conqueror fired four torpedoes and hit two targets. While the ARA General Belgrano was hit by two torpedoes one of her escorts was lucky and was hit by a dud.
In this fight we have:
HMS Conqueror – Churchill Class SSN
ARA General Belgrano – Phoenix Class Light Cruiser
ARA Piedra Buena – Sumner Class Destroyer
ARA Hipólito Bouchard – Sumner Class Destroyer

(Image is from Wikipedia)
In the next battle we have a more balanced ASW operation.
Here we have the ARA Salta trying to get closer to the British carriers.
ARA Salta – Type 209
HMS Brilliant – Type 22 Frigate
HMS Yarmouth – Type 12 Frigate
3 Sea King Helicopters No.820/826 Squadrons
It is reported that the Salta fired six torpedoes but they all misfired. While a blessing to the British it was a sad event for the Argentine.
Now I need to find a couple of able body sailors to take them to sea.