Sunday, June 11, 2017

Blogger Stats

I have no idea what happened since the beginning of the year. My numbers went from 20 to 50 a day with 100 or so being reached with a little work to 400 and 500 with no work. My itemized statistics also did not link you with these enlarged numbers and than on the 19th of May it came back down.

Now why am I not complaining about the depressed stats, well the higher numbers were not real. Oh and they were coming from Russia. I wonder if I will now be called before the US Senate Intelligence Committee?

Saturday, June 10, 2017

I'm Back

Well for the last month of so I was ill and even unable to use my laptop. Yes that is crazy hard for even me to get my head around, so I worked on future posts using my moleskin journals.

So before I do my first post for June I want to offer one last clue on my secret project. The winner will receive either a $10 TOOFATLardies gift certificate or $10 from Gaming Models. Your choice. Last clue is this picture. We already determined is was a new period or front for me, part of the official TOOFATLardies canon and lastly was one of the smallest platoon for this or any army for Chain of Command. Guesses for the prize will end on June 22nd.

Now to my new post.

OK we all know Jon has a thing for the FT-17. I have several, including two on my painting bench from Gaming Models. It is not fast or even powerful, but was the basis for all tank designs going forward to the present time. Unfortunately there is not a great deal written about this important engineered vehicle. I have an old Osprey and a Profile piece but they are dated and do have errors.  Most of the current materials are best found on museum sites often in French, funny how that happens.

So why do I keep this around, well it is like an old friend that I want to keep, in this case in my gaming library. Do others out there have similar books we keep for reference or other reasons, even though they are well past their sell by date?

This book covers the early development and use of the Renault FT in World War I and how it was the basis for tank designs and used directly by most of the worlds armed forces, US, France, Poland Japan and the Soviet Union all used it. Soviets copied it, the US sold it to Canada in early World War II as a training vehicle. Even the US used it on the battlefield at Gettysburg and against its own citizens in Washington DC.

It was active with the Poles in the Russo Polish War and in Case White against the Germans. Add in South America, North Africa, German airfield defense and anti-partizan operations and this slim volume covers a lot.

Thirty years latter this slim volume does hold up well, warts and all. Some of the paint schemes are suspect but I still love it. I give it 3.5 out of 5 stars.